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Session One : King Oleb Demands

Summoned To Court The Travellers were taking a break from renovating and pre-flight tests of the commerce raider, The Harrier, when they were surprised by a neon wimpled page blasting a long trumpet to their backs. After stepping from behind the various alien fauna in the Garden of Fashionable Promenades on the floating  Kingdom of Drinax, they were alerted that King Oleb demanded their presence. The page lead them through the maze-like gaps and propped passages that cut through the art, antiquities and relics of the glory days of the Empire of Sindal and as they entered the King's Court and saw the crowds of dignitaries and courtiers awaiting them in the throne room it became apparent that this was a state occasion. Finding the king was difficult. Current fashion at court is for the ladies to dress in pink and yellow spherical taffeta dresses and glide at various heights based upon perceived social status and for gentleman to wear drab outfits with incredibly high stove hats that

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